Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Oracle P2P Accounting entries

In Oracle purchasing 3 different events occur
1. Enter Purchase Order: 
    No accounting takes place

2. Enter a Receipt:
    For Inventory, Asset and Expense Items:
        Dr: Inventory Receiving A/c
        Cr: Accrual A/c

3.Receiving Transaction: 
   Based on type of item here accounting entry differs
   Inventory Item:
        Dr: Inventory Valuation A/c
        Cr: Inventory Receiving A/c
   Expense Item:
        Dr: Expense A/c
        Cr: Inventory Receiving A/c
  Asset Item:
        Dr: Asset Clearing A/c
        Cr: Inventory Receiving A/c

 Oracle Payable:
 In payable 3 events occur
1. Enter Invoice:
        Dr: Accrual A/c
        Cr: Liability A/c

2.Payment against Invoice:
        Dr: Liability A/c
        Cr: Bank clearing A/c

3.Clearing (Cash Management):
        Dr: Bank clearing A/c
        Cr: Bank A/c

Oracle P2P Accounting entries

Incase below type of items one more accouting entry happens in Oracle
Inventory Item: Item issued to Dept.
       Dr: Expense A/c
       Cr: Inventory valuation

Asset Item: Asset is capitalized
       Dr: Asset A/c
       Cr: Asset clearing A/c

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Learn Oracle ADF Online from Oracle

Below link contains recorded sessions that will help you get up to speed with Oracle ADF. The Oracle ADF Insider Basics series gives you introduction to the core functionality of Oracle ADF and the various layers of the framework. ADF Insider Essentials demonstrates essential skills, tips and techniques required for building ADF applications. The Oracle ADF Insider series covers advanced topics and techniques with Oracle Application Development Framework. Check back regularly for updates by experts, for experts.


at erp, erp, oracleapps, oracleapps erp, oracle erp, oracle ebusiness, oracle application,   
about oracle, oracle developer, oracle jobs, finance software, finance accounting accounting, r12 oracle 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

PLSQL: Identify special characters in the string

Execute the below SQL statement  if returns value the string contains special character(characters apart from
those one listed in Translate statement).

FROM   dual
LENGTH(REPLACE(TRANSLATE(lower('STRING'),'asdfghjklqwertyuiopzxcvbnm1234567890','                                   '),' ',''))>0

at erp, erp, oracleapps, oracleapps erp, oracle erp, oracle ebusiness, oracle application,   
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