Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Oracle Apps Receivables Accounting entries

Transactions Accounting:
Accounting setups:
1. Define Receivable and Revenue Account for Transaction Type like Invoice,Credit Memo,etc.
    Setup>Transactions>Transaction Types

2. Define AutoAccounting which determines defaulting rules for each segment of different Accounts like
    Receivable, Revenue, Tax, etc

Accounting entries:
Below are Transaction Accounts that are hit for Transaction like Invoices and Credit Memos
When you enter a regular invoice through the Transactions window,
Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Receivables
CR Revenue
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight

Credit Memos
When you credit an invoice, debit memo, or charge back through the
Credit Transactions window, Receivables creates the following journal
DR Revenue
DR Tax (if you credit tax)
DR Freight (if you credit freight)
CR Receivables (Credit Memo)
DR Receivables (Credit Memo)
CR Receivables (Invoice)

Receipts Accounting:
Depending upon the status of the Receipt whether its Applied, Unapplied, Applied On-Account the
Transaction entries will hit different accounts. The Accounts are defaulted based on Payment method
(Receipt Class) and Remittance Bank selected when you enter the receipt.

Accounting setups:
Setup>Receipts>Receipt Classes
1.Define your Receipt Class along with  Remittance Bank. Receivables uses the default Cash, Unapplied,
   Unidentified, On account, Unearned, and Earned accounts that you specified in the Remittance Banks
    window for this receipt class.

2. Remittance Method: determines status of receipt, remittance required or not Standard, No Remittance

3. Clearance Method: Determines whether clearance is required or not.
        By Automatic Clearing
        By Matching
4. At Receipt Class the values of Remittance method and Clearance method determines whether accounting
     entries hit Remittance and Cash Clearing accounts. If these are No Remittance and Clearing is Directly
     the accounting entries don't hit Remittance and Cash Clearing accounts.

Accounting entries:
These examples assume that the receipt has a Remittance Method of No Remittance and a Clearance Method of Directly.
When you enter a receipt and its Unapplied, Receivables creates the following journal entries:
DR Cash
CR Unapplied Cash

When you fully apply a receipt to an invoice, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
DR Unapplied Cash
CR Unapplied Cash
CR Receivables

When you enter an unidentified receipt, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Unidentified

When you enter an on– account receipt, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Unapplied
DR Unapplied
CR On–Account

When your receipt includes a discount, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Receivables
CR Revenue
DR Cash
CR Receivables
DR Earned/Unearned Discount
CR Receivables

At Receipt Class the Remittance and Clearance method is set as Standard and By Matching
Enter the Receipt the entry hits Receipt Confirmation with status of receipt as Confirmed
DR Receipt Confirmation
CR Receivables

Once the receipt is remitted and status becomes "Remitted"
DR Remittance
CR Receipt Confirmation

Once receipt is Cleared
Dr Cash
CR Remittance

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Oracle Apps: Forms Personalization Tables

Below is the list of tables that are populated when any Forms Personalization is done

Use FNDLOAD utility to move one instance to another.
FNDLOAD apps/$CLIENT_APPS_PWD 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/affrmcus.lct XXPERSON.ldt FND_FORM_CUSTOM_RULES function_name="PERHRTTT"

FNDLOAD apps/<Pwd> 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/affrmcus.lct XXPERSON.ldt

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Oracle Apps: Payables Period Closing process( Payables month end closing)

To complete the close process in Oracle Apps Payables:
1. Validate all invoices.
    Run Invoice Validation Concurrent program.

2. Confirm or cancel all incomplete payment batches.

3. If you use future dated payments, submit the Update Matured Future Dated Payment Status Program.
   This will update the status of matured future dated payments to Negotiable so you can account for them.

4. Resolve all unaccounted transactions. Submit the Payables Accounting Process to account for all
    unaccounted transactions. Review the Unaccounted Transactions Report. Review any unaccounted
    transactions and correct data as necessary. Then resubmit the Payables Accounting Process to account
    for transactions you corrected. Or move any unresolved accounting transaction exceptions to another
    period (optional).
  • Payables Accounting Process.
  • Submit the Unaccounted Transactions Sweep Program.
5. Transfer invoices and payments to the General Ledger and resolve any problems you see on the output report: Payables Transfer to General Ledger Program.

6. In the Control Payables Periods window, close the period in Payables.Controlling the Status of Payables Periods.

7. Reconcile Payables activity for the period. You will need the following reports
  • Accounts Payable Trial Balance Report (this period and last period).
  • Posted Invoice Register.
  • Posted Payment Register.
8. If you use Oracle Purchasing, accrue uninvoiced receipts.

9. If you use Oracle Assets, run the Mass Additions Create Program transfer capital invoice line distributions from Oracle Payables to Oracle Assets.

10. Post journal entries to the general ledger and reconcile the trial balance to the General Ledger.

You cannot close a period in Payables if any of the following conditions exist:
o Outstanding payment batches. Confirm or cancel all incomplete payment batches.
o Future dated payments for which the Maturity Date is within the period but that still have a status of Issued.
o Unaccounted transactions. Submit the Payables Accounting Process to account for transactions, or submit the Unaccounted Transaction Sweep to move any remaining unaccounted transactions from one period to another.
o Accounted transactions that have not been transferred to general ledger. Submit the Payables Transfer to General Ledger process to transfer accounting entries.

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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Oracle iExpense Report Tables with Policy Violation Details

Below are queries for Oracle iExpense to find out the Policy violation detail for iExpense reports.

--Expense Report Details
SELECT attribute_category,org_id
FROM   apps.ap_expense_report_headers_all a
WHERE  a.invoice_num = <Expense report number>

FROM   apps.ap_expense_report_lines_all
WHERE  report_header_id =<Report Header id>

FROM   apps.ap_exp_report_dists_all
WHERE  report_header_id =<Report Header id>

--Fetch Invoice corresponding for Expense report
FROM   apps.ap_invoices_all aia
WHERE  aia.invoice_num =  <Expense Report Number>

--Parameters for a Specific Expense Template used to fetch the Policy line id for Expense Line
SELECT expense_report_id
FROM   apps.ap_expense_reports_all
WHERE  report_type = <attribute_category from Expense header table>
AND    org_id = <org_id from Expense Header table>

FROM   apps.ap_expense_report_params_all aerp
WHERE  expense_report_id = <id from above query>
AND    prompt = <item_description of expense line>

--Policy Header and details
WHERE  policy_id = <POLICY ID>

WHERE  policy_id = <POLICY ID>

--Policy Violations for Expense Report header and Line
FROM   apps.ap_pol_violations_all apv
WHERE  apv.report_header_id =< report header id>
AND    apv.distribution_line_number = <dist line id>

--Table of Policy violations without duplicate violation enteries used for accurate counts
(SELECT report_header_id, distribution_line_number, violation_type, MAX(VIOLATION_NUMBER)
 FROM   apps.ap_pol_violations_all
 GROUP BY report_header_id, distribution_line_number, violation_type)

--Find the Employee/Non Employee attendees for a Expense report line
FROM   oie_attendees_all oie
WHERE  report_line_id = <Report line id>
AND    oie.employee_flag = 'N'

--Non Employee
FROM   oie_attendees_all oie
WHERE  report_line_id = <Report line id>
AND    oie.employee_flag = 'Y'

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Friday, September 7, 2012

Oracle Apps: Kill a Locked session through Toad

Query All the Locked sessions using below SQL and based on your OBJECT find the session locking it

SELECT  l.inst_id, 

    2,'ROW SHARE', 
          , DBA_OBJECTS O 
          , sys.GV_$SESSION S 
          , sys.GV_$PROCESS P 
      and     l.inst_id = s.inst_id 
      AND     L.SESSION_ID = S.SID 
      and     s.inst_id = p.inst_id 
      AND     S.PADDR = P.ADDR(+) 
    order by l.inst_id 

Kill the session by below ALTER statement. To perform this operations you need to have full db access, if you face issue, check with your DBA.


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