Thursday, May 8, 2014

FND Tables: Oracle Applications AOL Objects

FND – Application Object Library

Table Name Description 
FND_APPLICATION Applications registered with Oracle Application Object Library
FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS Concurrent requests information
FND_CURRENCIES Currencies enabled for use at your site
FND_DATA_GROUPS Data groups registered with Oracle Application Object Library
FND_FLEX_VALUES Valid values for flexfield segments
FND_FLEX_VALUE_HIERARCHIES Child value ranges for key flexfield segment values
FND_FLEX_VALUE_SETS Value sets used by both key and descriptive flexfields
FND_FORM Application forms registered with Oracle Application Object Library
FND_FORM_FUNCTIONS Functionality groupings
FND_ID_FLEXS Registration information about key flexfields
FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS Key flexfield segments setup information and correspondences between table columns and key flexfield segments
FND_ID_FLEX_STRUCTURES Key flexfield structure information
FND_LOOKUP_TYPES Oracle Application Object Library QuickCodes
FND_LOOKUP_VALUES QuickCode values
FND_MENUS New menu tabl for Release 10SC
FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS User profile options
FND_PROFILE_OPTION_VALUES Values of user profile options defined at different profile levels
FND_REQUEST_SET_PROGRAMS Reports within report sets
FND_REQUEST_SET_STAGES Stores request set stages
FND_RESP_FUNCTIONS Function Security
FND_USER Application users

--Value Sets based on table:
select ffvs.flex_value_set_id ,
    ffvs.flex_value_set_name ,
    ffvs.description set_description ,
    ffvt.value_column_name ,
    ffvt.meaning_column_name ,
    ffvt.id_column_name ,
    ffvt.application_table_name ,
FROM fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs ,
    fnd_flex_validation_tables ffvt
WHERE ffvs.flex_value_set_id = ffvt.flex_value_set_id;

--Independent values
SELECT ffvs.flex_value_set_id ,
    ffvs.flex_value_set_name ,
    ffvs.description set_description ,
    ffv.flex_value_id ,
    ffv.flex_value ,
    ffvt.flex_value_meaning ,
    ffvt.description value_description
FROM fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs ,
    fnd_flex_values ffv ,
    fnd_flex_values_tl ffvt
    ffvs.flex_value_set_id     = ffv.flex_value_set_id
    and ffv.flex_value_id      = ffvt.flex_value_id
    AND ffvt.language          = USERENV('LANG');

Monday, February 24, 2014

Oracle Apps R12 Subledger Accounting Tables and joins

XLA Table joins
GL_JE_BATCHES (je_batch_id)                        => GL_JE_HEADERS (je_batch_id)
GL_JE_HEADERS (je_header_id)                      => GL_JE_LINES (je_header_id)
GL_JE_LINES (je_header_id,  je_line_num)        => GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES (je_header_id, je_line_num)
GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES (gl_sl_link_table, gl_sl_link_id)        => XLA_AE_LINES (gl_sl_link_table, gl_sl_link_id)
XLA_AE_LINES (application_id, ae_header_id)  => XLA_AE_HEADERS (application_id, ae_header_id)
XLA_AE_HEADERS (application_id, event_id)   => XLA_EVENTS (application_id, event_id)
XLA_EVENTS (application_id, entity_id)            => XLA.XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES (application_id, entity_id)

Transaction Entity Codes and ids
xte.entity_code =

xte.source_id_int_1 =

SELECT *  FROM xla_events xe
WHERE xe.application_id = 222
AND xe.entity_id IN (
SELECT xte.entity_id
FROM xla.xla_transaction_entities xte
WHERE xte.application_id = 222
AND xte.entity_code = 'TRANSACTIONS'
AND xte.source_id_int_1 = 10066)

SELECT *  FROM xla_ae_headers xah  WHERE xah.application_id = 222
AND xah.entity_id IN (
SELECT xte.entity_id
FROM xla.xla_transaction_entities xte
WHERE xte.application_id = 222
AND xte.entity_code = 'TRANSACTIONS'
AND xte.source_id_int_1 = 10066)

SELECT xal.*  FROM xla_ae_lines xal, xla_ae_headers xah  WHERE xal.application_id = xah.application_id
AND xal.ae_header_id = xah.ae_header_id
AND xah.application_id = 222
AND xah.entity_id IN (
SELECT xte.entity_id
FROM xla.xla_transaction_entities xte
WHERE xte.application_id = 222
AND xte.entity_code = 'TRANSACTIONS'
AND xte.source_id_int_1 = 10066)

SELECT xdl.*  FROM xla_distribution_links xdl, xla_ae_headers xah  WHERE xdl.application_id = xah.application_id
AND xdl.ae_header_id = xah.ae_header_id
AND xah.application_id = 222
AND xah.entity_id IN (
SELECT xte.entity_id
FROM xla.xla_transaction_entities xte
WHERE xte.application_id = 222
AND xte.entity_code = 'TRANSACTIONS'
AND xte.source_id_int_1 = 10066)

XLA_AE_HEADER status Columns
 Table stores important status Information
The GL transfer status code of the sub-ledger journal entry has one of the following values:
Not transferred
Selected to transfer
When a sub-ledger journal entry is created and completed, the value of this column is Not transferred. The Transfer to GL process updates this column when the subledger journal entry is transferred to General Ledger.

Subledger Journal Entry Status Code (ACCOUNTING_ENTRY_STATUS_CODE)
A subledger journal entry can have a status of Draft, Final, Incomplete, Invalid or Invalid Related Entry.
Draft: The entry status is set to Draft when the following conditions are met:
Final: The entry status is set to Final when the following conditions are met:
Incomplete: The entry status is set to Incomplete when the following condition is met:
Invalid Related Entry: The entry status is set to Invalid Related Entry when the following condition is met:

The subledger journal entry is valid, but one or more of the other subledger journal entries associated with the same accounting event are invalid.

XLA_DISTRIBUTION_LINKS table join based on Source Distribution Types
xdl.source_distribution_type = 'AP_PMT_DIST '
and xdl.source_distribution_id_num_1 = AP_PAYMENT_HIST_DISTS.payment_hist_dist_id
xdl.source_distribution_type = 'AP_INV_DIST'
and xdl.source_distribution_id_num_1 = AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.invoice_distribution_id
xdl.source_distribution_type = 'AR_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL'
and xdl.source_distribution_id_num_1 = AR_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.line_id
and AR_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.source_id = AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL.receivable_application_id
xdl.source_distribution_type = 'RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ALL'
and xdl.source_distribution_id_num_1 = RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ALL.cust_trx_line_gl_dist_id
xdl.source_distribution_type = 'MTL_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS'
and xdl.source_distribution_id_num_1 = MTL_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS.inv_sub_ledger_id
xdl.source_distribution_type = 'WIP_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS'
and xdl.source_distribution_id_num_1 = WIP_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS.wip_sub_ledger_id
xdl.source_distribution_type = 'RCV_RECEIVING_SUB_LEDGER'
and xdl.source_distribution_id_num_1 = RCV_RECEIVING_SUB_LEDGER.rcv_sub_ledger_id

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Oracle Apps Inventory Accounts: Inventory Accounts and their Description

An asset account that tracks material cost. For average costing, this account holds your inventory and intransit values. Once you perform transactions, you cannot change this account.

Material Overhead:  An asset account that tracks material overhead cost.

Resource:     An asset account that tracks resource cost.

Overhead:    An asset account that tracks resource and outside processing overheads.

Outside processing:     An asset account that tracks outside processing cost.

Expense:     The expense account used when tracking a non-asset item.

Sales:     The profit and loss (income statement) account that tracks the default revenue account.

Cost of Goods Sold:
 The profit and loss (income statement) account that tracks the default cost of goods sold account.

Purchase Price Variance:   The variance account used to record differences between purchase order price and standard cost. This account is not used with the average cost method.

Inventory A/P Accrual:   
The liability account that represents all inventory purchase order receipts not matched in Accounts Payable, such as the uninvoiced receipts account.

Invoice Price Variance:  
The variance account used to record differences between purchase order price and invoice price. This account is used by Accounts Payable to record invoice price variance.

Encumbrance:     An expense account used to recognize the reservation of funds when a purchase order is approved.

Average Cost Variance:   
Under average costing with negative quantity balances, this account represents the inventory valuation error caused by issuing your inventory before your receipts.

Inter-Organization Transfer Accounts
You define default inter-organization transfer accounts in the Organization Parameters
window. These accounts are defaulted when you set up shipping information in the
Inter-Organization Shipping Networks window.

Transfer Credit
The default general ledger account used to collect transfer charges when this
organization is the shipping organization. This is usually an expense account.

Purchase Price Variance
The default general ledger account used to collect the purchase price variance for
inter-organization receipts into standard cost organizations. This is usually an expense

The default general ledger account used as an inter-organization clearing account when
this organization is the receiving organization. This is usually a liability account.

The default general ledger account used as an inter-organization clearing account when
this organization is the shipping organization. This is usually an asset account.

Intransit Inventory
The default general ledger account used to hold intransit inventory value. This is
usually an asset account. For average cost organizations, this account is the default

material account.